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  1. 7. a set of display behaviors in which an animal, usually a male, attempts to attract a mate.
  2. 10. a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  3. 11. Negatively charged particles in an atom.
  4. 12. when a liquid moves around towards a heat source and the heat source pushes the liquid back up and the cycle repeats.
  5. 13. Moving energy.
  6. 14. The flow/transfer of thermal energy from hot to cold.
  7. 15. How much stuff is in an object Measured in grams
  1. 1. Something that can be a liquid and a solid.
  2. 2. The way an organism reacts to other organism or to its environment.
  3. 3. The crust and upper mantle.
  4. 4. All of the different species living in an area.
  5. 5. anything that constrains a population's size and slows or stops it from growing.
  6. 6. the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
  7. 8. a layer of the earth that is just below the crust and right above the outer core.
  8. 9. The speed of an object Measured in meters per second.