
  1. 4. The sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises (2)-(5)
  2. 5. A licence issued to allow one or more licensable activity to take place (8)
  3. 6. What a personal licence holder may authorise the sale of (7)
  4. 8. compulsory conditions which must be implemented by all licensed premises (9)
  5. 10. Those able to object to a personal licence application (6)
  1. 1. The maximum number of months a personal licence may be suspended (3)
  2. 2. A disclosure of unspent criminal convictions (5)
  3. 3. Types of offences listed in the Licensing Act 2003 (8)
  4. 7. Convictions still appearing on a criminal record (7)
  5. 9. Person in day to day control of a premises (3)