life and living-diseases

  1. 1. caused by mosquito bites
  2. 6. copy of chromosome 21
  3. 7. a disease that causes little itchy red sores
  4. 8. when your stomach feels full and tight
  5. 9. a virus that causes colds
  6. 13. bowel syndrome (IBS)
  7. 14. caused from contaminated food and water
  8. 15. bacterial infection lock jaw
  9. 18. spread through air,serious disease
  1. 2. common during winter (worse than a cold)
  2. 3. low bone marrow density
  3. 4. an aggressive form of cancer
  4. 5. originally know as 'red pox'. last case 26th October 1977
  5. 10. __ lung worm caused by eating snails infected with angiostrongylus catonensis. (rodent)
  6. 11. when your body doesn't produce insulin properly
  7. 12. causes you to feel spinning and tilting
  8. 16. caused when healthy cells become mutated
  9. 17. a disease transmitted from rodents to humans