Life before and during the Industrial Revolution

  1. 2. An early production method was called the _____ industry because workers worked from home.
  2. 3. These people were often from the lower poorer class and couldn’t afford to own property and had little power.
  3. 5. People had no reason to own a _____ since their lives were tuned to the rising and setting of the sun.
  4. 7. Before the Industrial Revolution most people lived in ________ areas.
  5. 9. During the Industrial Revolution people moved from the country to find work in _____.
  6. 10. The rich upper classes were able to own ______ and that made them wealthy and powerful.
  7. 11. Cities in the Industrial Revolution were often _____ and dirty with poor sanitation.
  8. 13. Name given to large buildings that were built in cities that housed new machinery.
  9. 14. The _____ industry was the first industry to change rapidly.
  10. 15. Water _____ ran using power from moving water.
  11. 17. For the first time in history large numbers of human lives began to be regulated by clocks and the ringing of factory _____.
  1. 1. Before the Industrial Revolution people made their own _____ where as after the Industrial Revolution people would buy these.
  2. 3. Britain was given the name 'the _____ of the world'.
  3. 4. Before the Industrial Revolution people grew their own _____.
  4. 6. The Industrial Revolution eventually spread to other European countries and the _____.
  5. 7. _____ helped moved people and goods around the country.
  6. 8. While city populations grew during the IR, rural populations _____.
  7. 12. Cities were places where _____ spread and people became ill.
  8. 16. During the Industrial Revolution _____-powered engines and pumps began to replace the work that human and animals had done.