Life in Dark Age Greece

  1. 1. the ability to read and writing
  2. 4. Greek term for allotment (of land); without this a man could not marry
  3. 6. Mycenaean city-state not destroyed during the Bronze Age Collapse
  4. 8. Greek term for the city-state that would grow out of later Greek Dark Age communities
  5. 10. kind of leader that existed in some communities in the Greek Dark Ages
  6. 13. writing system that disappeared during the Greek Dark Ages
  7. 14. what connections between different individualized regions could be called
  8. 15. Greek term for household; kinship groups were organized according to this
  9. 16. these places for the dead varied from region to region
  10. 18. Mycenaean-style THIS disappeared c. 1,100 BCE
  11. 19. raising this caused many to travel from place to place
  1. 2. general area that saw up to 90% drop in population
  2. 3. the kind of groups individualized regions were organized around
  3. 5. these were destroyed and abandoned during the Greek Dark Ages
  4. 7. process engaged in to make cloth
  5. 9. metal Greeks learned to use after bronze
  6. 10. what people moved away from during the Greek Dark Age
  7. 11. new groups of community leaders that appeared in the later Greek Dark Ages
  8. 12. came to Greece after the Bronze Age Collapse
  9. 17. items produced in a community were meant for THIS only