Life in the Great Depression

  1. 2. These by miners and autoworkers sometimes turned violent.
  2. 5. these people became richer and more violent.
  3. 8. this changed the lives of people who lived and farmed in the Great Plains
  4. 9. This group of people was very active during the 1930s.
  5. 10. dramatically changed daily life in the farmhouses.
  1. 1. reported that Nebraska had experienced more than 20day with temperatures higher than 100degrees.
  2. 3. was the nation's first mass medium, linking the country and ending the isolation of rural residents.
  3. 4. provided an escape from the hardships of the Great Depression.
  4. 6. This person had to spend extra time working in the field because her husband was weakened by jaundice.
  5. 7. this region has been known for natural disasters.