Life of Joseph

  1. 2. Brother that offered to stay himself instead of Benjamin.
  2. 5. Brother who suggested throwing Joseph in a pit instead of killing him.
  3. 6. Pharaoh gave Joseph a _______ to ride around in.
  4. 7. Type of nuts the brother's brought to Egypt (Genesis 43:11)
  5. 11. Who interpreted Pharaoh's dreams.
  6. 13. Joseph _______ his brother's when he first saw them.
  7. 15. The royal baker had a dream of three loaves of ______.
  8. 17. Jacob told the brothers that they could _____ bring Benjamin to Egypt.
  9. 19. The brother that Joseph took as collateral until the brother's could produce Benjamin.
  10. 21. The royal cupbearer and ______ were sent to prison at the same time Joseph was there.
  11. 22. Number of people in Joseph's family who came to stay in Egypt (Genesis 46:26).
  12. 24. Country where the traders sold Joseph to.
  13. 26. One of the things that pharoah dreamt of.
  14. 28. Joseph's second son's name (Genesis 41:52)
  15. 29. When Joseph saw his brother Benjamin he went into another room and _____.
  16. 30. Full brother of Joseph.
  1. 1. What the brother's put on Joseph's robe to convince their father he was dead
  2. 3. Joseph married Asenath_____ of Potiphera, priest of On.
  3. 4. Joseph's mother.
  4. 7. Who Joseph was sold to once he was in Egypt.
  5. 8. The number of years there was a famine in Egypt.
  6. 9. Joseph arranged the brother's food plates in the order of their ______.
  7. 10. Pharaoh's dreams were the same dream, just in ____forms.
  8. 12. The sweet items the brother's brought to Egypt (Genesis 43:11)
  9. 14. What Joseph put in Benjamin's grain sack to give the appearance that he stole it.
  10. 16. What the brother's rode on (Genesis 44:3)
  11. 18. Joseph's first son's name (Genesis 41:51)
  12. 20. How many stars were in Joseph's dream.
  13. 23. Joseph succeeded in wherever he was because _____ was with him.
  14. 25. Pharoah dreamt of heads of ______ in his dream.
  15. 27. Joseph was _____ years old when he became ruler of Egypt.
  16. 29. Potipher's ______ tried to seduce Joseph.
  17. 31. Joseph's father.