Life On Earth

  1. 3. type of cell found in animals.
  2. 4. creating offspring with same characteristics.
  3. 8. organelle that builds proteins.
  4. 9. protects the cell and allows the transfer of substances.
  5. 13. All living things are made up of one or more ______
  6. 14. perceive changes in environment and react to them.
  1. 1. type of cell found in plants and bacteria.
  2. 2. type of nutrition where they make their own food.
  3. 3. produce proteins and lipids
  4. 5. liquid where organelles are floating.
  5. 6. type of nutrition where they need to eat other living things.
  6. 7. activates proteins produced in endoplasmic reticulum
  7. 10. powerhouse of the cell
  8. 11. group of individuals with similar characteristics that can interact and reproduce.
  9. 12. taking material from the environment to get energy