Life Processes

  1. 2. food
  2. 4. a constituent of pancreas
  3. 5. The process by which plants prepare their own food
  4. 7. aಝ
  5. 8. stores bile
  6. 12. which eat grass
  7. 13. biocatalysts
  8. 14. An enzyme produced in the stomach that digests proteins
  9. 15. wets the food
  10. 17. The process by which plants prepare their own food
  11. 19. the food pipe
  1. 1. digestion takes place
  2. 3. helps in the absorption of food
  3. 6. an organism that uses its pseudopodia to engulf the food
  4. 8. regulate the opening
  5. 9. p
  6. 10. Plants in which absorption takes place during night
  7. 11. A mutual nutrition
  8. 16. A plant that has a parasitic type of nutrition.
  9. 18. an acid produced in the stomach