Life Science

  1. 2. organism that cannot make its own food; consumer
  2. 8. ___________ system; absorption of nutrients
  3. 9. control what goes in and out of the cell
  4. 12. same alleles, HH
  5. 13. cell division, produces 2 identical daughter cells
  6. 15. multiple trials
  7. 17. ___________ system; exchange of O2 and CO2
  8. 18. ___________ system; support, movement, protection, blood cell production,
  9. 19. cell with nucleus
  10. 21. multiple tissues working together for a specific function
  11. 22. ___________ reproduction; offspring identical to parent
  12. 23. passing of genetic material from parents to offspring
  1. 1. cell that has no nucleus
  2. 3. gives shape to plant cells
  3. 4. someone else performs your experiment
  4. 5. different form of the same gene
  5. 6. control cells function; DNA is stored in
  6. 7. unit of life
  7. 10. powerhouse of the cell, makes energy
  8. 11. makes glucose, only in plant cell
  9. 13. cell division, produces 4 unique cells
  10. 14. different alleles, Hh
  11. 16. ___________ system; moves O2 and nutrients through out the body
  12. 20. ___________ reproduction; offspring not identical to parents
  13. 22. organism that makes its own food; producer