Life Science Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. I am change over time.
  2. 5. I am the key that helps you identify an organism.
  3. 9. I am the system that helps the muscular by letting you move.
  4. 10. I am the system that helps you get rid of wastes.
  5. 11. I am the trait that DOMINATES the other.
  6. 12. I am what gives you your looks.
  7. 13. I am the main organ of the respiratory system.
  8. 14. I am the system where I circulate blood and oxygen.
  9. 17. one organism benefits and one is harmed.
  10. 21. I am the system that holds and secretes all the hormones in the body.
  11. 22. I am the kingdom that has all your greens and veggies and fruits.
  1. 1. I am the trait that is usually covered up.
  2. 3. I protect and keep all your bones and organs in place. I am also the biggest organ there is.
  3. 4. I am the kingdom that has most decomposers.
  4. 6. I am the system that keeps your body from getting sick.
  5. 7. I am the kingdom of the most complex organisms.
  6. 8. I am the red liquid that flows through your body.
  7. 11. I am the system that helps you DIGEST food.
  8. 15. I am the system that controls the breathing and gets rid of carbon dioxide.
  9. 16. I am the kindom of the most simplest organisms.
  10. 18. I am the system that keep you strong.
  11. 19. the study of genes.
  12. 20. I am the main organ of the circulatory system.