- 3. A desire to learn or know something about full range of things.
- 6. OF HUMOR – To laugh and be playful without hurting others.
- 7. To wait calmly for someone or something.
- 8. to continue in spite of difficulties.
- 9. To feel concern for others
- 10. to be accountable for your own actions.
- 13. to be honest, sincere and of sound moral principles.
- 14. To try your hardest
- 15. the ability to alter plans when necessary.
- 1. to work together toward a common goal (purpose).
- 2. To plan, arrange and implement in an orderly way.
- 4. to do something because it needs to be done.
- 5. To make and keep friend through mutual trust and caring.
- 11. SKILLS- Skills we build from childhood throughout adulthood that give us the ability to work.
- 12. SOLVING- To seek solutions in difficult situations.