  1. 1. Breaks light apart into all the colors
  2. 3. One of the colors in ROYGBIV
  3. 5. White light _____________all colors
  4. 8. All light goes through this material
  5. 9. This type of lens refracts light.
  6. 10. No light goes through this material
  7. 11. Dark colors like black __________all colors
  8. 15. The bending of light
  9. 16. Blocked light creates this
  10. 19. When light goes through material it is _____
  1. 2. The bouncing of light off a surface
  2. 4. A color in ROYGBIV
  3. 6. This type of lens refracts light.
  4. 7. Makes things bigger and refracts light
  5. 12. Light reflects off a surface at the ____angle
  6. 13. Some light goes through this material
  7. 14. Number of minutes for sunlight to reach Earth
  8. 17. Dark colors absorb and create_______Hint: warmer
  9. 18. It's the fastest thing in the Universe