Lightning Girl Ch. 21-30

  1. 2. For their school project, Lucy, Levi, and Windy are trying to get _______ adopted.
  2. 3. a characteristic that can be changed
  3. 5. clothing worn by soldiers
  4. 7. Who is the first person at school that Lucy tells that she is a genius?
  5. 13. to grow or prosper
  6. 14. Lucy finds out that Pi has a _________ and might die.
  7. 15. to become less valuable; ruin
  8. 16. The English text was very (closely compacted).
  9. 18. Levi's mom is a (person repsonsible for publicizing a product).
  10. 20. edit or make changes
  1. 1. On her report card, Lucy's teachers said she was (one who did her work thoroughly).
  2. 4. Lucy was afraid that the growling dog might (wound) her.
  3. 6. to withdraw or move back
  4. 8. Pi's (expected time to live) was less than one year.
  5. 9. immediately
  6. 10. mistreat or overwork
  7. 11. Lucy visits another school called __ __ __ __ __ __.
  8. 12. taking a stand
  9. 17. Windy and Levi ________ ___ for Lucy in English when she doesn't want to read.
  10. 19. Levi tried to (tempt) Pi out from under the desk with kissy sounds.