Limb anatomy

  1. 2. number of bones in the wrist and hand 6,3
  2. 5. rotator cuff muscle responsible for abduction of humerus 14
  3. 8. produces adduction of the thumb 8,8
  4. 12. type of tissue that forms the menisci 14
  5. 13. structure to which the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris attaches 8
  6. 16. muscle which attaches to lesser tuberosity of shoulder 13
  7. 17. flexor retinaculum is attached laterally to the scaphoid and _____ 9
  8. 18. ankle joint example of this type of joint 8,5
  9. 19. name of joint between the talus and the calcaneus 8
  1. 1. muscle producing extension and lateral rotation of the hip
  2. 3. most commonly fractures carpal bone 8
  3. 4. ankle ligament most commonly injured 8,11
  4. 6. vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis and rectus femoris make up this structure 10
  5. 7. vein in which the great saphenous vein drains into 7,7
  6. 9. inflammatory condition affecting abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis 11
  7. 10. iliacus, pectineus and which other muscle produce flexion of the hip 5,5
  8. 11. one of the muscles supplied by sciatic nerve 14
  9. 14. common _____ nerve, nerve which passes around neck of fibula 8
  10. 15. nerve supplying the deltoid 8
  11. 17. this nerve supplies the gastrocnemius 6
  12. 20. number of movements possible at the elbow 3