Lindsay and Lola

  1. 6. spring sport
  2. 7. coffee shop
  3. 8. when we met
  4. 10. Track/XC coach HHS
  5. 11. Orcas
  6. 15. fall sport (lindsay)
  7. 17. animal we were obsessed with in 6th grade
  1. 1. channel that shows the best christmas movies
  2. 2. race lindsay runs
  3. 3. cop show that is coming back soon!
  4. 4. cop show that went downhill after Jack left
  5. 5. High School
  6. 9. fall sport (lola)
  7. 12. 5th period
  8. 13. card game we played at your house
  9. 14. Middle School we attended
  10. 16. cop show- setting honolulu