Lindsey - Fibers

  1. 2. Extracted
  2. 4. lengthwise threads in weaving
  3. 6. comes From Sheep
  4. 9. Any Woven or Knitted Material
  5. 10. moltenRock
  6. 14. ToMove
  7. 17. most common sythetic fiber used intextiles
  8. 18. Made for using rugs
  9. 19. Fibers From A cocunut
  10. 20. A Plant Grown In The Ground
  1. 1. silk/hair/fur
  2. 3. cotton
  3. 5. natural hair
  4. 7. sheep wool and alpacawool
  5. 8. celluloes
  6. 11. not natural
  7. 12. Used For Pipe Insolation
  8. 13. Rubber
  9. 15. most common stem fiber
  10. 16. mohair