Linear Algebra

  1. 3. A matrix that is equal to it's transpose
  2. 6. The number of nonzero rows of a matrix in row echelon form
  3. 7. A set of vectors that are linearly independent and span the relevant space
  4. 9. The order does not matter
  1. 1. For a given matrix, A, the set of all vectors, x, such that A*x = 0
  2. 2. A set of vectors such that the dot product of any two vectors in the set is zero
  3. 3. A matrix with a determinant equal to zero
  4. 4. A subset that is nonempty, and closed under addition and multiplication
  5. 5. Matrix with entries on the main diagonal all equal to 1 and all other entries equal to 0
  6. 8. All linear combinations of a set of vectors