- 3. 4 words (kind of) - with 21 down
- 5. 5 words - with 16 across
- 7. 3 words -with 17 down
- 8. 4 words - with 9 across
- 9. We've got to have ____ and obey them, after all, we're not savages - with 8 across
- 12. What is essential is invisible to the ____ - with 18 across
- 13. 2 words - with 10 down
- 14. Stay ____, Ponyboy - with 15 down
- 16. It was the best of ____, it was the worst of times - with 5 across
- 18. 3 words - with 12 across
- 20. All children ______ ___ grow up - with 1 down
- 23. With 2 down
- 1. 2 words, with 20 across
- 2. Beware for I am ________ and therefore powerful - with 23 across
- 4. _______, I married him - with 6 down
- 6. 2 words - with 4 down
- 10. I am not afraid of _____ because I am learning how to sail my ship - with 13 across
- 11. 2 words - with 22 down
- 15. 2 words - with 14 across
- 16. 5 words - with 19 down
- 17. I will live in the past, the _____ and the future - with 7 across
- 19. I'd known plenty of ____ people of course but I'd never dated one - with 16 down
- 21. It was a ______ to burn - with 3 across
- 22. Call ___ Ishmael - with 11 down