Linguistic Intelligence

  1. 1. / Someone who uses words in a way to express a story or feeling
  2. 5. / A way in which someone speaks to another uses different kinds of these...
  3. 6. / Words used to describe something else
  4. 9. / Another word for "see"
  5. 11. / Someone involved with politics
  6. 14. / These can be used in stories and books
  7. 15. / Letters than can be silent
  8. 16. / Main power source of bodily functions
  9. 17. Gardner / This man had the idea of Linguistic Intelligence
  10. 18. / What are skin does for us
  11. 19. / A group of sentences
  1. 2. / Something you do with your tongue
  2. 3. / A person, place, or thing
  3. 4. / If you are smart, you have this...
  4. 7. / a language or class
  5. 8. / The study of the brain and human nature
  6. 10. / Something to describe the definition of a word
  7. 12. / Something you can hear
  8. 13. / Action words
  9. 20. / This is what ears are meant for