Linguistic Terms

  1. 4. modifies a verb
  2. 6. a linking word
  3. 9. don't, can't, won't
  4. 11. slurring sounds together
  5. 14. reference to something further on in a text
  6. 18. biggest, smallest, tallest
  1. 1. a comparison using like or as
  2. 2. a doing word
  3. 3. language spoken to lessen the impact of something
  4. 5. the speech used by characters in works of prose fiction
  5. 6. everyday, common slang words or phrases
  6. 7. a naming word
  7. 8. channel showing support or response to another speaker
  8. 9. the underlying meaning of a word
  9. 10. sentence type with one main verb and one main subject
  10. 12. field words associated witha particular subject e.g. football, school
  11. 13. talk small talk
  12. 15. who a text is aimed at
  13. 16. a non-literal reference to something
  14. 17. the distinctive vocabulary and grammar of a region