
  1. 3. The person who described a set of biologically controlled behaviors, which we can use to test (INNATENESS THEORY).
  2. 7. A neglected child found in the 1970s who was not able to acquire language fully, as she had passed the (CRITICAL PERIOD).
  3. 8. A communicative gesture, distinctive from a sign found in a signed language.
  4. 9. The theoretical period of time in which we are able to acquire language (proposed (LENNEBURG)).
  5. 11. "Now there is another one. There are two of them. There are two _____." This is evidence for (ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION).
  6. 12. ____ of a Grammar Theory, the most influential LA theory, asserts that children create rules of grammar themselves.
  7. 14. The stage in life when the critical period is theorized to end.
  1. 1. A type of speech error a child makes when they assume too much, which is evidence for (ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION).
  2. 2. Hypothesis which suggests we are genetically predisposed to acquire and use language.
  3. 4. "My child keeps saying 'other one spoon' instead of 'other spoon' no matter how often I correct them." is evidence against which theory?
  4. 5. _____ Theory claims children learn language just by listening and reproducing.
  5. 6. The father of modern Linguistics who proposed (UNIVERSAL GRAMMAR). Bonus question!
  6. 10. Subconscious process of learning.
  7. 13. Set of structural characteristics shared by all languages. Evidence for (INNATENESS THEORY).