Liptak - Music

  1. 2. "First Lady of Song", "Queen of Jazz"
  2. 6. "The Band" Drummer
  3. 7. To Sing Without Accompaniment
  4. 10. In Song, Building to a Peak
  5. 12. Most Famous Brooklyn Born Rapper
  6. 13. Most Concerts Played at MSG
  7. 15. Best Selling Album of All Time
  8. 20. Chicago Bluesman that owns "Legends" club
  9. 22. ATX Bluesman Died by Plane Crash
  10. 24. "At Last", "Tell Mama" singer
  11. 25. Best Selling Jazz Record of All Time
  1. 1. Nickname of Louis Armstrong
  2. 3. The Company That Makes Stratocaster
  3. 4. "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain"
  4. 5. Slang Term for Reggae Music
  5. 8. Billy Joel and This Band are the Only Non-Sports Banners hanging in MSG
  6. 9. "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay" singer
  7. 11. Original member of "The Wailers" (also code for weed)
  8. 14. Man in Black
  9. 16. This guitarist died in a motorcycle accident at the age of 24
  10. 17. Famous Hoboken Born Singer
  11. 18. One of the "Three Blues Kings"
  12. 19. Mckinley Morganfield
  13. 21. Famously Lit His Guitar on Fire on Stage
  14. 23. One of the "Three Blues Kings"
  15. 26. One of the "Three Blues Kings"