Liquid Chromatography

  1. 2. The fluorescence detector detects fluorescence at an angle ____ to the incident light.
  2. 3. The smaller the packing particles in an HPLC column, the ____ the retention time.
  3. 4. Normal phase LC uses a ____ stationary phase.
  4. 6. Mobile phase pretreatment includes purgin, filtration, and ____.
  5. 7. ____ is the most common functional group in LC stationary phase. It's also known as a C-18 column.
  6. 9. Refractive index detector is a ____ detector for LC.
  7. 10. ____ with a fluorophore is necessary for those compounds that don't naturally fluoresce when using a fluorescence detector.
  8. 13. The refractive index detector requires a ____ solvent.
  9. 16. ____ has an intermediate polarity, and so can be used as both a polar or nonpolar phase for LC.
  10. 17. The ____ detector is the most sensitive.
  11. 18. Thin Layer Chromatography is sometimes called ____ chromatography.
  12. 20. Mobile phase transportation in HPLC relies on a ____ pump.
  1. 1. A polarity of a mixture of solvents for the mobile phase can be calculated to provide the ____ ____ (2 words).
  2. 5. The retardation factor is always ____ one (2 words).
  3. 8. Light that is measured at the direction of the incident light in UV-Vis absorbance detector.
  4. 11. The smaller the packing particles in an HPLC column, the ____ the plate number.
  5. 12. The ____ electrode in the electrochemical detector is most important.
  6. 14. The electrochemical detector uses three electrodes: reference, working, and ____.
  7. 15. Reversed-phase LC uses a ____ stationary phase.
  8. 19. Absorbance is _____ to sample concentration.