List 1 and List 2 Review

  1. 1. We ___ not have a warm up today.
  2. 5. Emily ___ three books last month.
  3. 6. I ___ the problem after Ms. Sharma showed an example.
  4. 10. We ___ to a restaurant to eat food.
  5. 13. She ___ her name at the top of her paper.
  6. 14. They ___ cookies and Takis at the party.
  1. 2. I ___ a lot of water after running the mile.
  2. 3. She ___ her brother a video game for Christmas.
  3. 4. We ___ school at 2:28 on Thursday.
  4. 7. He ___ so much when he played soccer.
  5. 8. We ___ pictures in our vocabulary squares.
  6. 9. Many people ___ to the party.
  7. 11. I ___ the bus home yesterday.
  8. 12. He borrowed a computer because he ___ his at home.
  9. 14. I ___ happy today is Friday.