List #2

  1. 1. This "infant" is in Room 18!
  2. 5. Non stop.
  3. 8. Vertical, upright.
  4. 9. Six legged creature.
  5. 10. This large rabbit lives in Room 18.
  6. 13. Not true.
  7. 15. Nearly 007 in Room 17 (two words)
  8. 17. Vitally important.
  9. 20. Substance that makes you feel better.
  10. 21. Consent to receive or undertake.
  1. 2. Peace, calmness
  2. 3. Minor argument.
  3. 4. Hard working, diligent.
  4. 6. Full of energy, bubbly person.
  5. 7. The sherriff of Room 17.
  6. 11. To take posseeesion of something.
  7. 12. Alcohol.
  8. 14. Collection of musical instruments and musicians.
  9. 16. Hideous, awful.
  10. 18. The North Pole.
  11. 19. Instructions for cooking.
  12. 22. Group of singers.