List One

  1. 2. having bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
  2. 4. happen or to be the case in the course of events or by chance
  3. 7. make believe with the intent to deceive
  4. 10. explain or regard as resulting from a particular cause
  5. 13. assign to a lower position
  6. 15. showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth
  7. 18. mark as distinct
  8. 20. deviation from the normal or common order, form, or rule
  9. 22. increasing gradually by regular degrees or additions
  10. 23. the act of judging a person or situation or event
  11. 24. said or done without having been planned in advance
  1. 1. marked by casual unconcern or indifference
  2. 3. open to two or more interpretations
  3. 5. marked by or given to doubt
  4. 6. provoke the hostility of
  5. 8. marked by precise accordance with details
  6. 9. support and strengthen
  7. 11. bear a reciprocal or mutual relation
  8. 12. grow rapidly
  9. 14. marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
  10. 16. lasting for a markedly brief time
  11. 17. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions
  12. 19. present in great quantity
  13. 21. in fear or dread of possible evil or harm