Listening: VOA

  1. 7. He promised me that the price to fix my phone will not __________ $700.
  2. 8. Because of the vast cultural differences, the marriage situation in China is not __________ to that in the US.
  3. 9. I felt very __________, standing there without any clothes on.
  4. 11. We can't see the stars at night when the __________ pollution is bad.
  5. 12. There is a __________ difference between the Chaozhou language and the Shantou language.
  6. 14. The professor claimed that __________ caused global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere.
  7. 17. If the natural __________ channel is badly damaged there will be many floods
  8. 18. Too much soil __________ in forests can remove important nutrients and make it difficult for plants to grow.
  9. 19. Not even the protests __________ the government to make any changes in policy.
  10. 20. She __________ to remember all the vocabulary, but failed.
  11. 21. The school __________ that the holiday will start early this year because everyone did well on their exams.
  12. 23. There are many __________ to overcome to gain a college degree, like Level 4 English.
  13. 24. To break the world record they had to __________ the width and length of the pizza.
  1. 1. Governments must have __________ for their people in case of natural disasters.
  2. 2. Few visitors are allowed to set foot in the conservation area for endangered __________.
  3. 3. Both students and teachers put a lot of effort into __________ the English Festival, and it turned out perfectly.
  4. 4. If he knew the __________ of his actions he would never have asked her on a date.
  5. 5. Before we buy new furniture we need to get the __________ of the sofa and the room.
  6. 6. The __________ of water and air is an expensive process, but as China's air becomes worse it may be necessary.
  7. 10. Scientists believe that global warming will disrupt weather __________ around the world.
  8. 13. No one __________ the financial crisis in 2008, so we were all unprepared.
  9. 15. Even small changes in ocean temperature can completely destroy delicate reef __________.
  10. 16. Many rural villages uses pumps or wells to extract __________ for agricultural use.
  11. 22. With the introduction of new farming methods, agricultural production __________ last year.