Literary Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. the part of the plot where the main dramatic conflict is worked out; the plot may or may not have a happy ending
  2. 6. a figure of speech that clearly compares to unlike things through the use of like or as
  3. 7. the main character
  4. 9. a variety of a language that is distinguished from the standard form by pronunciation, grammar, and/or vocabulary
  5. 11. a form of verbal irony in which a person says the opposite of what he or she means
  6. 13. the main idea of a literary word; the message the author wants to convey
  7. 14. an outcome contrary to what was or might have happened
  8. 16. the beginning of a work of fiction; the part in which readers are given important back round information
  1. 1. the dictionary meaning of a word
  2. 2. the struggle within a character, between characters, between a character and society, or between a character and a force of nature
  3. 3. The bestowing of human qualities on inanimate objects, ideas, or animals
  4. 5. The use of an object, character, or idea to represent something else
  5. 8. a character whose personality traits represent a group rather than an individual
  6. 10. a reference to something outside the work in which it is found
  7. 12. the feeling that the author creates for the reader
  8. 15. the attitude of the author toward his or her writing