Literary Devices

  1. 2. "Back in my day, I had to walk 17 miles to school"
  2. 5. an olive branch
  3. 6. Two thousand tiny tigers tripping twenty tortoises
  4. 7. The sea was a beautiful cyan
  5. 10. "Another One Bites the Dust"
  6. 11. A character who constantly misplaces things (as the loss of someone)
  7. 13. tragic joy
  8. 14. ridicule or contempt
  9. 16. "Long long ago..."
  10. 18. strong and string, or blank and think
  1. 1. The sea stared back
  2. 3. she was as smart as Einstein
  3. 4. The grandfather one of these
  4. 8. "We are planted in the same pot."
  5. 9. boom
  6. 12. that definitely wont happen
  7. 14. like a flower in the breeze
  8. 15. mellow wedding bells
  9. 17. the surgeon needed surgery