Literary Devices Vocabulary

  1. 2. Something that is under described or under exaggerated.
  2. 6. When a more specific term is used to signify a whole object.
  3. 11. Emotions present in an atmosphere.
  4. 13. A nonliving thing that is given human-like qualities.
  5. 16. Comparing two things without using like or as.
  6. 17. Multiple words that start with the same or similar sounds.
  7. 20. A vowel sound that repetitively shows up in words throughout a sentence.
  8. 21. A consonant's sound that repetitively appears in words throughout a phrase or sentance.
  9. 22. Word Endings that are similar or the same.
  10. 25. A central or unifying idea.
  11. 26. A word that gives off a positive feeling.
  1. 1. The name of a sound.
  2. 3. The comparison of two things while using like or as.
  3. 4. A word used in a sentence that references a production, song, or book.
  4. 5. A constant sequence of sounds.
  5. 7. The over exaggeration of something.
  6. 8. Two lines in a poem.
  7. 9. A short verse of a song of hymn.
  8. 10. A word that gives off a negative feeling.
  9. 12. The author's choice of vocabulary.
  10. 14. Symbols or text that appears multiple times.
  11. 15. A play on words.
  12. 18. A phrase or word that appeals to an individual's senses.
  13. 19. Attitude expressed by authors, characters, or narrators.
  14. 21. A reoccurring series of verses in a song or hymn
  15. 23. A line in a poem that is rhythmic.
  16. 24. A word replaced by a term that can be associated with one another.