Literary Term, Elements & Devices

  1. 3. "repeition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences, or verses especially for rhetorical or poetic effect."
  2. 4. "a figure of speech that gives human attributes/feelings to non-human things (like objects)"
  3. 7. "in or into a narrative or plot"
  4. 8. "a literary device that contradicts itself but contains a plausible kernel of truth"
  5. 10. "a distinctive type or category of literary composition"
  6. 11. "a feeling that can refer to the emotional state of mind of a person/character or atmosphere of a story."
  7. 12. "a combination of contradictory or incongruous words"
  8. 14. "the use of literal or figurative language to add symbolism and enable the reader to imagine the world of the piece of literature."
  9. 15. "uses familiar and informal conversation"
  10. 17. "style or manner of expression in speaking or writing"
  11. 18. "the use of a word to suggest a different association than its literal meaning"
  12. 19. "the idea that things represent other things"
  1. 1. "the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it(such as buzz, hiss)"
  2. 2. "the time, place, and circumstances in which something occurs or develops"
  3. 5. "a narrative device in which suggestions or warnings about events to come are dropped or planted"
  4. 6. "a hybrid language or dialect simplified in vocabulary and grammar and used from communication between peoples of different speech"
  5. 9. "a symbolic representation of a deeper meaning"
  6. 13. "comparison without using like or as"
  7. 15. "conflict is a literary element that involves a literary element that involves a struggle between two opposing forces"
  8. 16. "the person who goes against the protagonist"