Literary Term Test

  1. 4. a group of related sentences on one topic that includes a topic sentence(5-9 sentences)
  2. 8. the implied meaning of a word
  3. 9. objective view using “he,” “she,” “it”….
  4. 11. what the story is about
  5. 12. a comparison of two different things that use “like” or “as”
  6. 13. a hint of things to come
  7. 17. statement Typically located in the last sentence of the introductory paragraph,the thesis statement is a specific argumentative/opinionated sentence that indicates what the essay is will prove.
  8. 18. is about.
  9. 24. a grading or assessment guideline
  10. 25. main character, not hero (1/2)
  11. 27. turning point of the story
  12. 28. sound words
  13. 29. sentence typically the first sentence of the paragraph that tells what the
  14. 30. subjective view using “I,” “me,” “my”….
  15. 31. location of the story
  16. 32. attitude of the speaker towards the characters in the book/poem or book/poem
  1. 1. exaggeration
  2. 2. literal/dictionary meaning of a word
  3. 3. the unexpected, a twist of fate/words (three types—verbal, situational,
  4. 5. giving inanimate objects human qualities
  5. 6. commanding view using “you”
  6. 7. problem in the story (five types—man-vs-man, society, self, nature, and
  7. 10. the narrator of the story/poem who is typically not the author
  8. 14. referring to a famous person, event, object that most people should know(common knowledge)
  9. 15. a implied comparison of two different things without using “like” or “as”could use “is,” “am,” “was”)
  10. 16. thoughts.
  11. 19. repetition of the same initial consonant letter
  12. 20. a group of words that contain a subject, verb and a complete thought
  13. 21. end of the story in which the problem/conflict is solved
  14. 22. enemy of the protagonist
  15. 23. a long speech (monologue) that is spoken alone on stage to reveal the
  16. 26. word choice