Literary Terminology (and random silliness)

  1. 2. It has a face and two hands but no arms or legs.
  2. 4. I'm full of holes, but I still hold water.
  3. 6. "Birds with busy beaks built nests above the bees" contains what literary device?
  4. 9. A rhyme contained within the lines of poem is called an _____________ rhyme.
  5. 10. The "hero" of a story.
  6. 12. Literary works are often divided into poetry, and _____________ (which lacks the structure and rhythm of poetry)
  7. 15. A comparison of two different things using "like" or "as"
  8. 16. A literary device in which an author gives hints about what is to come in the story
  9. 18. A word's approximate opposite.
  10. 21. The "villain" of a story.
  11. 25. The pattern of rhymes (e.g. ABABB) is called a rhyme ____________.
  12. 26. Extreme exaggeration for effect (humor, or vividness)
  13. 27. I have a thumb and four fingers, but I'm not alive.
  14. 28. Something you can break without touching or seeing it.
  15. 29. A section of a novel is called a ______________.
  1. 1. A reference to something outside the text that isn't mentioned or explained explicitly ("Cute animals are his Achilles' heel")
  2. 3. A five-letter word that becomes shorter when you add two letters to it.
  3. 5. "The sun smiled down at me" is an example of what literary device?
  4. 7. "Her mind is a labyrinth" is an example of what literary device?
  5. 8. A recurring pattern of characters, symbols, or situations found in many cultures or stories
  6. 11. It gets wetter as it dries.
  7. 13. Two words having roughly the same meaning are called _______________.
  8. 14. If you give it water, it will die.
  9. 17. Rich people don't have me, but poor people may. If you eat me I will die.
  10. 19. "Cat" and "hat" _______________.
  11. 20. A story told in the first person about an experience is called a personal _______________.
  12. 22. The overall effect or attitude expressed in writing (informal, solemn, playful, ironic, etc.)
  13. 23. A style of writing or film is called a ____________.
  14. 24. A unit of lines in a poem that are grouped together (and often separated from others by a line break)
  15. 29. No wings, but I fly. No eyes, but I cry.