Literary Terms I

  1. 4. Implied subjective meaning of a word.
  2. 6. Distinct difference between two things.
  3. 7. harmony Words imitating sounds they refer to; onomatopoeia.
  4. 9. Words imitating sounds they refer to.
  5. 11. Poem expressing lofty emotion or celebrating an event.
  6. 12. Comparison without using like or as.
  7. 15. Indirect reference to a person, place, or event.
  8. 17. Combination of contradictory terms like 'living dead.'
  9. 19. Repetition of initial consonant sounds.
  10. 20. monologue Character's conversation-like thoughts.
  11. 21. Repetition of similar vowel sounds.
  12. 22. Names intangible concepts like love and justice.
  13. 23. Comparison to explain unfamiliar concepts.
  14. 24. Physical, knowable through the senses.
  15. 27. In order of time.
  16. 29. Literary genre containing unreal events or characters.
  17. 30. Exaggeration used for effect.
  18. 32. Narrative poem telling a story, often about love or courage.
  1. 1. action Action occurring before the story begins.
  2. 2. Deliberate contrast of characters, settings, or situations.
  3. 3. Giving reasons or support for an action or belief.
  4. 4. Overused expression that has become stale.
  5. 5. verse Poetry with variable rhythmic cadences, often unrhymed.
  6. 8. Simple story teaching a moral or religious lesson.
  7. 10. Storytelling technique hinting at future events.
  8. 13. Special vocabulary of a particular group.
  9. 14. Oral or written composition with one person speaking.
  10. 16. Atmosphere or dominant emotion of a story.
  11. 18. Explicit meaning of a word listed in dictionaries.
  12. 21. Brief story of an interesting incident.
  13. 24. Informal language suitable for everyday speech.
  14. 25. Difference between reality and appearance for effect.
  15. 26. Language evoking sensory impressions.
  16. 28. Poem expressing private emotions of the writer.
  17. 31. verse Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameters.