Literary Terms Review 41-50 Fiction-Iambic Pentameter

  1. 2. writing or speech not meant to be interpreted literally
  2. 5. stresses that are divided by vertical lines into groups
  3. 7. a line of poetry with six feet
  4. 8. a line of poetry with seven feet
  5. 10. a deliberate exaggeration or overstatement
  1. 1. a line of poetry in which each foot consists of one unstressed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable
  2. 3. the stories, legends, myths, ballads, riddles, sayings, and other traditional works produced orally by illiterate or semiliterate peoples
  3. 4. poetry not written in a regular, rhythmical pattern, or meter
  4. 6. prose writing about imaginary characters and events
  5. 9. a term used to describe literary works that make extensive use of primitive, medieval, wild, mysterious, or natural elements