Lithic Technology

  1. 3. ___ flaking by applying force without striking
  2. 4. a natural glass of volcanic origin ideal for flaking
  3. 5. the piece of stone from which flakes are removed
  4. 8. removing flakes from a stone by striking it with another stone or hard object
  5. 10. the process of flaking stone, ideally while awake
  6. 15. negative impression of a flake left behind after it is struck from a core
  7. 16. often white, light grey, or clear, flakeable stone found in Massachusetts
  8. 18. weathered surface of a rock
  9. 19. ___point: kind of artifact that archaeologists like to classify
  10. 20. surface or side of a flake with flake scars on it
  11. 22. a tool that is not quite finished and can be made into whatever is needed
  12. 23. a flakeable rock type abundant in Massachusetts
  13. 25. smooth, gently curved surface or side of a flake
  14. 26. the way tools like axes adzes, gouges, and pestles are often made
  15. 27. Material often used for soft-hammer percussion flaking
  16. 29. striking implement used in hard-hammer percussion
  1. 1. flakes that have had their edges modified by removing small flakes
  2. 2. French flakes
  3. 6. ____ of percussion: swelling on the ventral surface of a flake near the point of impact
  4. 7. stones with this kind of fracture property are best for flaking
  5. 9. abundant in Massachusetts and Vermont, low-quality flakeable stone
  6. 11. long, cylindrical stone used for grinding or crushing
  7. 12. a flattish core with flakes removed from both faces
  8. 13. a type of stone with excellent fracture properties
  9. 14. a type of stone with excellent fracture properties
  10. 17. soft stone carved into cooking vessels and smoking pipes
  11. 21. ___ platform: part of the flake that was struck when it was created
  12. 24. somewhat platy, but flakeable stone found in Massachusetts
  13. 28. abbreviation for rock that has been heated in a fire but otherwise unmodified