Litriú 3/2/23

  1. 3. In a library you are to be ___
  2. 4. separate into parts
  3. 5. The vertical dimension of extension
  4. 8. No noise at all
  5. 9. showing niceness and helpfulness towards others
  6. 13. A very secretive army rank
  7. 14. Have a high opinion/respect someone
  8. 15. the one or the other
  1. 1. to spook or to startle
  2. 2. Actually or very
  3. 4. to explain something
  4. 6. worn out and ready for bed
  5. 7. The collective term for biology, physics and chemistry
  6. 10. the width of a circle
  7. 11. a flash in the sky
  8. 12. a drawing to explain something