Little Blackbeard Island - Arjun Birthi

  1. 1. Water that is usually found in the ocean.
  2. 2. A gradual diminution of something, normally caused by wind or water.
  3. 4. The name of the hurricane that occurred in late 2016, damaging areas in the Southeast, and coming from the Pacific Ocean.
  4. 5. A tropical storm with violent winds. Typically occurs near coastlines and in oceans.
  5. 6. The name of the new mini-island that was created by the hurricane.
  6. 9. A natural disaster. For example, a hurricane or a tornado.
  7. 12. The bigger island that Little Blackbeard Island is next to.
  1. 1. Also known as storm flood or storm tide. This the term given to describe a sudden rise in water, not unlike a tsunami. This is associated with natural disasters.
  2. 3. A university that has a marine institute near the new island and the coastline. Abbreviated as UGA.
  3. 7. A body of water moving in a given direction, normally through a bigger body of water.
  4. 8. The ninth month in which Hurricane Irma swept northward into the USA.
  5. 10. a loose granular substance, typically pale yellowish brown, resulting from the erosion of siliceous and other rocks.
  6. 11. An island(s) which acts as a wall against natural disasters, therefore protecting the mainland.