Laura's Baby Shower ~ March 9,2013

  1. 2. The peanut plant produces a flower of this color
  2. 6. Doctor who found over 300 uses for the peanut in the early 1900s
  3. 8. Animal believed to enjoy peanuts, although it doesn't commonly eat them due to its size
  4. 9. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter being stuck to this part of the mouth
  5. 10. Baking ingredient which can be made of peanuts for those with gluten-free diets
  6. 11. "Peanut _______" is a phrase first used to describe the cheap seats in a theater from which peanuts were often thrown
  7. 12. Peanut butter candy first introduced in 1928
  8. 13. Ancient society that used peanuts as sacrificial offerings and entombed their mummies with them to aid in spirit life
  1. 1. The percentage of people who prefer smooth peanut butter to crunchy
  2. 3. A peanut is not actually a nut, but this type of food group which also includes lentils and beans
  3. 4. One of two presidents who was a peanut farmer- this one works with habitat for humanity
  4. 5. By the time the average person graduates high school, they will have eaten 1,500 sandwiches of peanut butter and this substance
  5. 7. One of two presidents who was a peanut farmer- this one was a founding father