Liturgical Seasons, Lent and Easter

  1. 2. A colour to represent preparation
  2. 5. The time of no particular season
  3. 6. The Friday before Easter
  4. 8. The first day of Lent
  5. 9. The coming of the boy child
  6. 13. Holy Week Thursday - Saturday
  7. 15. Palms from last year are burnt
  8. 16. Going without (usually food)
  9. 19. Literally means the beginning - the start of the year
  10. 21. To not eat meat means to ___________
  11. 22. Something we should do more of during Lent and Advent
  12. 24. Tuesday the day before Lent
  1. 1. Preparation for the biggest celebration
  2. 2. The end of the Easter Season
  3. 3. The number of days Catholics are encouraged to Fast and Abstain
  4. 4. The colour to represent a Sunday in outside of the main seasons
  5. 7. Jesus began his ministry here and was tempted
  6. 9. Lent is a time for giving money to the poor
  7. 10. The Church has it's own __________ at different times of the year
  8. 11. The end of the Liturgical year is Christ the _______
  9. 12. The colour of Christmas
  10. 14. Washing the feet of the poor
  11. 17. The Sunday to begin Holy Week
  12. 18. The number of days Jesus spent in the desert
  13. 20. The Church's biggest celebration
  14. 23. The colour of Good Friday, Pentecost and Martyrs
  15. 25. The week leading up to Easter