Liver channel point location

  1. 2. LIV-1 is on the dorsal aspect of the toe, at the junction of lines drawn along the _______ border of the nail
  2. 3. LIV-14 is located in the _________ intercostal space
  3. 5. LIV-8 is just superior to the medial end of the _________ crease.
  4. 8. LIV-3 is in the hollow distal to the junction of the first and second ________ bones.
  5. 13. LIV-7 is posterior and inferior to the __________ of the tibia.
  6. 14. LIV-6 is immediately _______ to the medial border of the tibia
  7. 16. tendon next to LIV-8
  8. 17. LIV-5 is located between the medial crest of the tibia and the _________ muscle
  9. 19. LIV-9 is directly superior to the medical epicondyle of the ___________
  1. 1. LIV-2 is ______ to the margin of the web between the 2nd and 3rd toes
  2. 4. LIV-7 is 1 cun posterior to this spleen point.
  3. 6. 3 cun inferior to ST-30 on the anterior border of this muscle.
  4. 7. LIV-14 is on this line
  5. 9. LIV-4 is medial to this tendon
  6. 10. another tendon next to LIV-8
  7. 11. LIV-12 is medial to this vein
  8. 12. LIV-11 is level with with superior border of this bone.
  9. 15. LIV-14 is 4 (?) lateral to the midline
  10. 17. LIV-12 is in the crease of the ________
  11. 18. LIV-13 is directly anterior and inferior to the free end of the _______ rib.