- 1. Young / newborn chicken
- 5. Cattle operation where weaned calves are put on pasture and to transition to feed
- 8. The name for the skin lining the egg shell or covering the yolk
- 10. The last stage of the cattle industry where cattle eat grain until harvest
- 11. Type of cattle used for milk
- 15. A cattle producer who breeds, raises and sells purebred cattle like Angus or Brahman for “seed-stock”
- 17. Immature male chicken
- 19. The act of parturition for cattle
- 20. Cattle operation where calves are produced and sold after weaning
- 21. Immature female chicken
- 22. Type of cattle used for meat
- 24. Chicken used for eggs
- 2. Mature female chicken
- 3. Immature female of cattle
- 4. A group of cattle
- 6. Castrated male of cattle
- 7. Young or newborn of cattle
- 9. castrated male chicken
- 12. The large, dark yellow/orange center of the egg
- 13. Intact male of cattle
- 14. Intact, mature male chicken
- 16. Chicken used for meat
- 18. The name for the egg white
- 19. Mature female of cattle
- 23. A group of birds or poultry