Living Environment Vocabulary

  1. 4. The hormone responsible for raising the amount of sugar in the blood
  2. 5. This body system is responsible for removing dangerous waste from your body.
  3. 8. Another name for White Blood Cells
  4. 10. The hormone responsible for lowering the amoung of sugar in the blood
  5. 11. A bacteria or virus that makes you sick
  6. 12. This tube leads from the kidney to the bladder
  1. 1. This organ is responsible for releasing hormones that control the amount of suagr in your blood
  2. 2. This word means balance in science
  3. 3. A condition caused by a large amount of sugar in the blood
  4. 6. chemical messengers in the body
  5. 7. The organ responsible for filtering your blood
  6. 9. Waste from your bladder exits your body through this tube.