Living in Australia

  1. 1. A word to describe Australia's population distribution.
  2. 6. The number of states and territories that have no cities with over 500,000 people living in them.
  3. 8. The opposite to DENSELY populated.
  4. 9. Victoria's second largest city in terms of population.
  5. 12. Industrial towns like Newcastle are integral to the economy due to their contribution to which sector?
  6. 15. The state with the densest distribution of urban population.
  7. 17. Currently, this is Australia's most populated city.
  8. 18. This wine district is not a major city but has a medium population density due to the importance of its farming region.
  1. 2. Percentage of urban dwellers in Australia.
  2. 3. Australia's lowest population density tends to occur in what inland region?
  3. 4. Australia’s most densely populated areas are located in what climate?
  4. 5. Most of Australia's earliest towns were settled on the coast near rivers in order for what to occur there?
  5. 7. A place on the coast safe for ships to land, found where many Australian cities have settled.
  6. 10. Number of megacities in Australia.
  7. 11. All towns and cities require a source of fresh...
  8. 13. The discovery of which mineral explains why there are large inland cities in places like Ararat and
  9. 14. The number of cities in Australia with over 1 million inhabitants.
  10. 16. All of Australia's state and territory capital cities are located near which natural feature?