Living in London

  1. 5. In London you can take a bus ... of the sights.
  2. 7. A man or woman who can play with many balls at the same time.
  3. 8. The Inn and the Donau are ...s in Germany.
  4. 9. We don't live in the north of Germany. We live in the ... (><)
  5. 10. The Queen lives in a ...
  6. 11. Berlin, London, New York and Paris are big ...
  1. 1. Covent Garden is a ... (>full of life) place. There are always many people.
  2. 2. The London underground has got a special name.It's called...
  3. 3. Sehenswürdigkeiten
  4. 4. A man or woman who eats fire.
  5. 6. In London you can visit the famous Tower ... (Brücke)
  6. 10. When a policeman catches a criminal, the criminal goes into ... (Gefängnis)