Living things and life processes

  1. 2. Group of living things that shares similar characteristics.
  2. 6. Type of reproduction where an animal or a plant makes a new individual from a part of its own body.
  3. 8. Part of the reproduction process in plants where a pollen grain fecundates an ovule in the ovary and makes a seed.
  4. 9. Kingdom of living things that eat other living things.
  5. 10. Life process in which all living things react to their environment.
  6. 12. Life process in which all living things make new individuals.
  7. 16. Animals that only eat other animals.
  8. 17. System of the body that animals use to obtain oxygen from air or water.
  9. 20. Life process in which all living things obtain the nutrients they need to live.
  10. 22. Type of reproduction where a new individual forms after a male and female have mated.
  11. 23. Sun's energy that plants absorb through the leaves.
  1. 1. Animals that only eat plants.
  2. 3. Part of the reproduction process in plants where the seed lands on soil and grows tiny roots and a stem.
  3. 4. Gas from the air that plants obtain through the leaves to make their own food.
  4. 5. Animals that eat plants and other animals.
  5. 7. System of the body that responds to the brain's messages by moving the animal's muscles and bones.
  6. 11. organs (five in total) that animals use to receive information from the environment around them.
  7. 13. System of the body that animals use to obtain nutrients from what they eat.
  8. 14. System of the body that processes the information coming from the sense organs.
  9. 15. Roots of plants absorb this liquid and mineral salts.
  10. 18. Part of the reproduction process in plants where pollen grains travel from the stamen to the stigma.
  11. 19. Kingdom of living things that eat the remains of other living things.
  12. 21. Kingdom of living things that make their own food.