Living With Tectonic Hazards Revision (Ashiqkyn)

  1. 2. Pacific______ Of Fire are where the most active volcanic activity occurs.
  2. 3. ______ is the point of sudden energy released
  3. 7. Which type of volcanoes will develop from successive eruptions of lava & pyroclasts?
  4. 9. Which energy is derived from the heat in the earth's crust?
  5. 10. Which focus occurs 70 to 700 kilometres below the earth surface?
  1. 1. _____ refers to the stickness of the lava or its resistance to flow.
  2. 4. Which Natural Disasters releases energy in the form of seismic waves.
  3. 5. ______ can occur during heavy rainfall which makes mixed soils debris to flow downthe slope.
  4. 6. A ________ can record the seismic waves released by an earthquakes.
  5. 8. _____ is a landform formed by magma ejected from the mantle onto the earth's surface.