Living World and Classification of Microbes

  1. 2. All human cells are ____________ in nature.
  2. 5. Euglena is autotrophic because it contains ________.
  3. 7. Short form of Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid.
  4. 8. Comma shaped bacteria are called ___________.
  5. 9. Euglena has a whip-like ___________ for movement.
  6. 10. He gave us the five kingdom classification of organisms.
  7. 11. Paramoecium has hair-like structures called _________ for movement.
  8. 13. The type of nutrition in Fungi is ____ nutrition.
  9. 15. These are the only prokaryotic microbes.
  10. 16. Chlorella is a type of _________.
  11. 17. Saccharomyces is a kind of __________.
  1. 1. Virus that attacks bacteria is called a ___________.
  2. 3. Plasmodium vivax causes __________.
  3. 4. Kingdom of multicellular eukaryotes without cell wall.
  4. 6. Clostridium tetani causes __________ disease.
  5. 8. The smallest microbe is a ________.
  6. 12. Viruses are made of DNA/RNA and __________.
  7. 14. The fungus used to make penicillin is called ________.