LO1, LO, LO4 Review

  1. 3. This law protects peoples' personal data from misuse
  2. 5. The 'S' in SMART goals
  3. 8. A diagram used to show what a screen or page layout will look
  4. 9. This law provides the public with access rights to information from public authorities
  5. 10. How believable the information is
  6. 12. Voluminous, complex data sets
  7. 13. Imbalanced point of view
  8. 14. These cameras can help track who entered restricted areas
  1. 1. These natural disasters can damage door frames and windows, allowing unauthorised access.
  2. 2. This type of software is great for handling numerical data
  3. 4. How accurate the information is
  4. 6. Iris scanners, fingerprints and face ID are all examples of this protection method
  5. 7. A malicious programme that can replicate itself
  6. 11. A type of chart used to schedule tasks and their durations
  7. 13. An error in computer software that produces unexpected results